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WPS Guide for Amateur Photographers

We are pleased to announce that WPS Founder and Director E. David Luria has not just been sitting home in the Time of the Virus, looking at cute cat videos and watching his hair grow long.

NO! He has been writing an Ebook: “Washington Photo Safari’s Guide For Amateur Photographers“, an illustrated 130+ page compilation of all the photo tip handouts David and his instructors have given to their clients over the last 21 years. Designed to help amateur photographers who just enjoy taking pictures, it covers 28 different areas of photography, from A to Z, from Abstracts to Zoos, from Architecture to Weddings!

Now in its final stages, the book needs a cover! One of our creative clients, Robert Porter, kindly came up with two lovely designs, and we would like your feedback on which one you prefer, the one with the US Capitol in spring, or the one with the Washington Monument at sunrise.

David is torn between the two of them. “I like the Capitol in spring shot,” he says, ” because it is the signature photo of WPS, taken with a $40 point-and-shoot camera to make the point that skill is more important than equipment, that you can take good or bad pictures with ANY camera.”

“On the other hand, ” he notes, “I love the deep red of the sunrise coming up in the eastern sky behind the Washington Monument, and red is a color that draws the eye, it makes you look and buy the book!”

Which one do YOU prefer? Send David your comments at

a close up of a flower                            a close up of a sign

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