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Georgetown By Land and Sea

Capture the unique colonial-style architecture of the homes, restaurants, and storefronts of Georgetown's streets

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$ 119

In this safari, we capture the unique colonial-style architecture of the homes, restaurants, and storefronts of Georgetown’s streets, including views of the C and O Canal and the picturesque Grace Episcopal Church. Then we go down to the waterfront and photograph the Post-modern complex of Washington Harbor, with its columns and fountains and beautiful views of the DC waterfront.

During our last hour we get into a boat that takes us up the Potomac River all the way past the Jefferson Memorial, allowing us to photograph the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, Washington Harbor, Georgetown, and other monuments of the nation’s capital in the afternoon sun. This is a great safari to take in advance of any travel plans you may have, so that you get to know how to use all the features you have paid for on your camera!