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A Tiny Adventure: Let’s do Macro Photography

Learn how to use macro lenses to photograph tiny subjects in Rock Creek Park

Quick Details

Macro photography is the art of making tiny things look big. You can do this by getting very close to your subject. One of the best reasons to take macros is to share a unique view of the world around us. Once you zoom in to the macro level, you might notice things you’ve never seen before. Textures, patterns, and other abstract elements may make beautiful compositions themselves.

On this safari, we are going to learn how to use macro lenses to photograph the little marvels around us that are hidden from our sight.

In the Spring, flowers will be blooming in Rock Creek Park, and insects will also be emerging. In the Fall, we will still find some insects and late flowers, and we can also find some incredible details and surprising elements that will make it seem like we are traveling to another dimension to take these photos.

One of the challenges of macro photography is the focus, so we should be sure that our camera is stable by using a sturdy tripod and a remote release.

What equipment to bring to the workshop?

A macro lens is essential. 50mm, 90mm, 105mm – any length can work. And of course, a sturdy tripod.


$ 109