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Private Tutoring by Phone on F Stops, Shutter Speeds & Everything Else!

Get 2 hours of private photographic training from the comfort of your home, by phone!

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$ 89

You REALLY enjoy taking pictures! Your friends and relatives say that your pictures are REALLY good! But, secretly, to yourself, you admit that you REALLY don’t know what you are doing. Your pictures turned out well more by accident than by design.

Or, you find that your pictures are too blurry. Too dark. Wrong color. Not interesting. You feel they do not capture the beauty of what you saw.

If you are strong enough to concede that, then you are strong enough to admit you need help!

That’s where we come in! Without leaving the comfort of your home, you can get 2 hours of training from Paris-trained architectural photographer and Washington Photo Safari Director E. David Luria, who has directed the instruction of 38,000 amateur clients since 1999. You can set the 2-hour instruction period at a day and time convenient to your schedule.

No need to Zoom, you can do this in your “jammies!” Working with you just on your phone, David will explain to you exactly what those confusing F-stops are all about on the “A” or “Av” Aperture Priority setting of your camera, while you take pictures of objects in your home at different apertures. Then he will guide you through the “S” or “Tv” Shutter Priority settings as you take pictures of moving people or pets in your home or back yard at different shutter speeds.

Next he will show you the effects of raising and lowering the ISO sensitivity settings, and adjusting the white balance settings to get different color casts to your photos, even showing you how to manipulate the Kelvin Scale of color temperatures, all features that you have paid for in your camera but are not using!

If you make it this far, he will then have you work on that scary “M” or Manual Mode, where you have disabled the camera meter and you have to do all the adjustments yourself. Having taught photography for 21 years, David knows the menus of most cameras.

OR, you may be the type of photographer who is very comfortable with the technology of the camera but feel you need in help in photographic composition. We have you covered! During the session you can also send him photos you have just taken, or photos you have taken in the past, so that they can be reviewed and improved. And at the end of the session, David will email you written tips to reinforce what you learned.

Here is what one client had to say about her private tutoring session by phone;

“Spring 2020 came with all types of challenges. I had a camera that I never used and with so much free time on my hands decided that this was the time to pick it up and start taking photos. Being the type of person that I am, I wanted to have some instruction before I started taking photographs. I researched online and found my way to David through an online photography group.

“I could tell he was knowledgeable, serious about his craft and extremely personable, just from our online interactions. He suggested a one- on- one session, and of course I assumed the class would be on an online platform. I was surprised and skeptical when he suggested we do this by phone. But I trusted him and we had a two- hour uninterrupted lesson by phone.

“Believe me when I say that this was as good as it would have been online if not better. There were no distractions, I was not trying to see him or what he was doing. I was able to concentrate solely on what he was saying and my camera. He is so knowledgeable about the camera that he knew all of my controls and buttons without seeing me or the camera. We started with the simple lesson of stance and holding the camera correctly and moved through lessons that included exposure, composition, lighting and equipment. As a newbie I felt that I had a great beginners handle on my camera afterwards.

“As an added bonus he critiqued some pictures that I had previously taken and gave me excellent constructive feedback. Since our lesson I have been out in the streets practicing and I can hear his voice in my ear and if nothing else I looked like a pro when I’m taking my photos. I am eager to join some of his photo safaris now and can’t wait to have more lessons with David. You will not regret taking lessons with him!”

Dawna Dilworth, M.D.
Greenbelt, MD

You can choose to do this for two hours for just $99, about half of what David regularly charges for private tutoring in the field. We guarantee that at the end of the process you will feel more confident about your own ability to be the boss, not the victim, of your camera!

Please indicate preferred date and time, allow two hours for the session – call David at 202-669-8468