The Tamron 18 to 400 mm Lens

The Tamron 18 to 400 mm Lens
Hi, this is David Luria, I’m the founder of Washington Photo Safari.
And I’ve got a great job. I take people around the monuments in the nation’s capital and show them how to use their cameras to take great pictures. We’ve trained over 37,000 people since we began the program more than 20 years ago. And many of them report a common problem that all of us face.
We’re taking pictures of our kids or our pets and suddenly the subjects are close or they’re far away and then they’re close again, and we don’t have time to change the lens on our camera to get the far away pictures or the close-up pictures.
So there is a great solution for that which is a lens that is wide and long at the same time. It’s called the Tamron 18 to 400 lens. It’s the latest lens in the Tamron line. It goes from 18 mm on the wide side to 400 mm on the long side.
It is designed just for crop-sensor cameras although it will work also on full-frame cameras with a little bit of vignetting on the wide side. It is available on And it is a great solution for the whole problem of having to change lenses quickly.
It is better to have just one lens that does everything that you need. It is tack-sharp. It also does a great job on close up pictures. And many of my clients have been very happy with this lens that we have recommended to them.
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